Monday, April 9, 2012


I'm back! Been busy with family and I've a couple of freelance projects going on. I have totally lost direction of where this blog should go, cause as far as I wanted this to be a publicly decent blog free of emo posts over another phase of transition in life, I found myself clicking 'new post' and I ended up writing like a 13 year old girl on PMS.

So I've been trying to stay away from this blog (to no avail...notice the 'visitor' bar on the side) and now that I feel a lot less 'confused'...I'M BACK!! haha

Still taking baby steps here, so I'm gonna post photos from the farewell months and just bits and pieces of my most beloved city Melbourne. Ta :)

I hope that all my familiar faces of Melbourne are taking good care of themselves, wherever they are...miss you guys and our amazing city SO MUCH!!

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